Riegl VZ-6000
The new high speed, high resolution terrestrial 3D Laser Scanner VZ-6000 offers an extremely long measurement range of more than 6000 m for topographic (static) applications. Being the Laser Class 3B companion to the VZ-4000, it is, due to its laser wavelength, exceptionally well suited for measuring snowy and icy terrain in glacier mapping and monitoring applications in mountainous regions.
The RIEGL VZ-6000 is compatible with the well-proven RIEGL software package RiSCAN PRO for terrestrial laser scanning, RIEGL's interface library RiVLiB, as well as the workflow-optimizing software packages RiMONITOR and RiMINING. The software plugin RiMTA-3D provides automatic assignment of the correct MTA zones in multiple time around processing.
Main Features
- Ultra long range up to 6000 m
- Laser Class 3B
- Wide field of view, 60° x 360°
- High speed data acquisition up to 222,000 meas./sec
- High accuracy, high precision ranging based on echo digitization and online waveform processing
- Multiple target capability - unlimited number of targets
- Multiple time around processing
- Optional waveform data output
- Built-in calibrated digital camera
- On-board inclination sensors
- Integrated L1 GPS receiver with antenna
- Integrated compass
- Built-in SSD data storage media
- Compact and rugged design
- Advanced camera options
- Main Applications
- Glacier & Snowfield Mapping
- Topography & Mining
- Monitoring
- Civil Engineering
- Archaeology & Cultural Heritage

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